CCMS Attendance Procedures

  • In our ongoing strive for excellence, we place the utmost value on classroom instruction and classroom interaction. Therefore, our expectation is that students are present in class on a daily basis.

    Please call the Attendance Office at 845-534-8009 ext. 4039 if your child is going to be late or absent from school.

    • Tardiness

      • Homeroom period begins at 8:05 a.m. Students entering the building after 8:15 a.m. will be considered tardy and should report to the Attendance Office with a note signed and dated by a parent/guardian explaining the tardiness. An admission pass will be given to the student before reporting to the scheduled class. Students who are repeatedly tardy will be subject to disciplinary consequences.
    • Absence

      • Parents/guardians must phone the school to report a student's absence at 534-8009 ext. 4039. Please call as early as possible. When leaving a message on voicemail, please state your child's name (spell the last name), grade and the reason for the absence.
      • Upon returning to school, students must have a written excuse stating the reason for their absence. This note should be brought to the Attendance Office, which is located in the Counseling Center, the day the student returns to school. Notes can also be emailed to or faxed to 845-534-7115.
    • Early Dismissal

      • Students who are to be dismissed while school is in session are to present a note from their parent/guardian to the Attendance Office in the morning. This note must indicate who will be picking the student up and the approximate time of dismissal.  Additionally, the person picking the student up must be 18 years of age or older and must present a valid photo ID.  A student will not be released to anyone, other than a parent/guardian, without an authorization note signed by the student’s parent/guardian. Students will be called out of class when that parent/guardian arrives. To minimize class interruption, we ask that parents/guardians pick up their child at the end of a class period.
    • Activity Attendance Requirement

      • As per district policy, if you are not in school on the day of an extracurricular activity, you may not attend that event (afternoon or evening) unless an extenuating circumstance is approved by an administrator in advance.
      • Please note: A student does not qualify for participation in an extracurricular activity, including athletics, if he/she leaves school before 11:30 a.m. or arrives after 11:30 a.m.
    • Homework Requests

      • If a student is absent for two or more consecutive days, a parent/guardian may request homework assignments. Parents/guardians should call the attendance line (Ext. 4039) or email the attendance office at and leave a message requesting homework prior to 9:00 a.m.  Homework for grades 6, 7, and 8 will be sent through Google Classroom.  Homework for grade 5 will be available for pick-up in the Main Office after dismissal.
      • Homework requests received after 9:00 a.m. will be available for pick-up on the following day.  Please do not request work to be sent home with another student.

    Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for additional information on policies and procedures.