Contact Information

  • Phone: (845) 534-8009 x 7100
    Fax: (845) 534-9032

Transportation Policy

  • Eligibility for Student Transportation:

    Students in Grades K-12 are eligible for District provided transportation to and from their legal residence and the school they attend if they live more than 1/2 mile but less than 15 miles from school. Students with Disabilities are eligible for transportation to and from their legal residence and the school they attend in accordance with their IEP or 504 accommodation plan.

    Per Education Law, districts must provide transportation to nonpublic or private school students who are legal residents of the district and attend a nonpublic school located within a 15-mile radius from their legal residence. Parents must request such transportation, in writing, no later than April 1st of the preceding school year. For families who become residents after April 1st, a written request for transportation should be submitted within thirty days of establishing residence. Late requests for transportation will be denied, absent a reasonable explanation for the delay. The request form for private school busing can be found below.

    Transportation to and from Child Care Locations: A student may be transported to or from the location of a child care provider if the student's legal residence and the child care provider's location are both located within the boundaries of the District and more than 1/2 mile from the school. Parents must request such transportation annually, in writing, no later than August 1st of the current school year. Child Care Requests must be filed every year, even if there is no change to your child's child care provider. Request forms can be found below.

    Transportation is NOT provided for employment, sports not affiliated with CCSD, dance classes, and religious education classes.



Safety & Security

  • The entire CCSD Code of Conduct applies to students when they are present on school buses. Specifically: "Misconduct on a School Bus: Students are required to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior to ensure their safety and that of the other passengers. Excessive noise, pushing, shoving and fighting will not be tolerated."

School Bus Incidents & Accidents

  • If your child received medical attention and/or treatment because of a recent school bus incident or accident, you need to protect your rights under the New York no-fault law (Regulation 68). First, you must file a claim through your Family Auto Policy, if any, and not with the school district or any school bus transportation contractor hired by the district.
    The no-fault law only allows you to present your claim to your auto carrier for a limited period, currently 30 days from the date of the accident. It is important to protect your rights and you may want to notify your insurance company or agent in writing as soon as possible that a claim may be forthcoming. If no parent or guardian of the student living in your household has an automobile insurance policy, you should notify the Transportation office immediately. File your insurance company notice immediately even if you have not received a bill from a medical provider such as an ambulance company, hospital or doctor. If you have additional questions regarding this notice, please call your family insurance agent or company.

Lost & Found

  • The District currently contracts its transportation needs with West Point Tours. West Point Tours maintains a Lost and Found for items left on school buses. Please call their office for inquiries. (845) 561-2671