

Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees: Master of Science in Education, Concentration: Literacy Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY Master of Science in Education, Concentration: Early Childhood Education and Special Education Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts in Childhood Education Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY Certifications: Education Grades 1-6 Special Education Grades 1-6 Literacy Birth-Grade 6

Mr. Morgan

My goal is to provide creative lessons and engaging classroom instruction to promote student learning objectives in literacy, critical-thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and applications to everyday life for all students.

Although my original plan was to teach secondary, a Fourth Grade position at a private Catholic school in Newburgh, NY allowed me to experience younger students' curiosity and desire to learn. Since then, I've gained experience teaching Third Grade in Warwick, NY as well as experience working with older students as a high school home instructor in Beacon, NY, a middle school science teacher in Newburgh, NY, and an Explorers' teacher with the Fresh Air Fund.

I hold a certificate in elementary and special education as well as a certificate to teach Literacy and two masters degrees through Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY. My field placement in Newburgh, NY focused on working with English as a New Language Learners in a predominantly Latinx community.

Development of deeper content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills is imperative in the twenty-first century. I have used Project Based Learning to teach students knowledge and skills, working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge.

Teaching is what I love to do, because I love to learn, and as cliché as it may sound, I learn something new from my students every day through their thoughts, views, and experiences. I realize teaching is an ongoing learning process and the longer I teach, the better I will become at my practice and my commitment to my students is to provide them with the best educational opportunities by always learning and growing myself. 

I appreciate my privilege of teaching because over the years I have become a better communicator, problem-solver, citizen, and human being. I hope I can empower students on their path to becoming the best people they can be by modeling, valuing, supporting, and caring for them. I want my students to recognize their talents and feel good about themselves and respect and care for others during learning experiences that may stay with students for the rest of their lives.