• 8th Grade Special Class Social Studies

    This year we will be studying American history, from the Pre-Civil War era to the 21st century. You are expected to come to class prepared to learn with your best materials, your best behavior, and your best answers. 

    For this class, you will need a binder with looseleaf and a pencil. You also will need your Chromebook charged and in good working order. All other material will be provided for you.

    You are expected to follow the Code of Conduct and to be a responsible student and adhere to good digital citizenship practices.

    You will receive a quarterly grade for this class based on your test scores and the work that you do. Your quarterly grade will be generated as follows: 

    50 % - Tests and quizzes - The plan is to have 2 tests and 4 quizzes per quarter.

    50 % - Classwork and homework - The plan is to have 10 classwork and 10 homework assignments per quarter.

    Your Final Average will be calculated using 90% of the average of your four quarter grades plus 10% of your final exam grade.

    7th Grade Special Class Social Studies

    This year we will be studying American history, from the time of primitive peoples and Native Americans up to the Civil War era. You are expected to come to class prepared to learn with your best materials, your best behavior, and your best answers. 

    For this class, you will need a binder with looseleaf and a pencil. You also will need your Chromebook charged and in good working order. All other material will be provided for you.

    You are expected to follow the Code of Conduct and to be a responsible student and adhere to good digital citizenship practices.

    You will receive a quarterly grade for this class based on your test scores and the work that you do. Your quarterly grade will be generated as follows: 

    50 % - Tests and quizzes - The plan is to have 2 tests and 4 quizzes per quarter.

    50 % - Classwork and homework - The plan is to have 10 classwork and 10 homework assignments per quarter.

    Your Final Average will be calculated using 90% of the average of your four quarter grades plus 10% of your final exam grade.

    8th Grade Co-Teach Social Studies

    This class is an inclusive, Co-teach classroom. Your child has both myself and a general education teacher as instructors in Social Studies. I will be present in the classroom alongside the general education teacher to teach lessons we have planned together as well as fulfill program modifications as indicated in individual students’ plans. I will also be involved in planning the instructional pieces.

    The expectations are the same for each student in the Co-taught classroom. The content of instruction and performance standards are the same for all classes the general education teacher instructs, including the one we teach together. There is no difference in the instructional content and standards between a Co-teach class and a non Co-teach class.

    You should have received and signed a copy of the policies and expectations for the class. Please refer to it or the general education teacher's website to review it.