• Welcome to the SUCCESS Program!

    SUCCESS Program

    The SUCCESS program in the Cornwall Middle School is for students who are alternately assessed. It is an ungraded program where students are typically 6th through 8th grade age. Students work on NYS Standards at a reduced level of depth, breadth, and complexity. We also incorporate daily living skills and functional academic skills.


    This year, the students in the program will be participating in a cafe business. At times, we will be transforming our classroom into a cafe for faculty and staff members to come to the classroom to buy treats and coffee. Mrs. Kilmer, the speech therapist, and I have been working hard on putting this together. Before the business begins, we will be spending time going through various units to get ready to open. Your child will continue practicing their functional money skills and social skills while learning different jobs. This business will focus on a lot of the prevocational skills needed for the CBI program and will help with transitions when your child moves to the Community Based Instruction (CBI) program in the high school.

    Parent/Teacher Communication

    I will be using the Bloomz app. This allows me to send reminders to you for any upcoming events or information you may need to know about your child’s day. You are also able to chat with me if you should have any questions or need to get any information to me. The information for how to sign up is in your child’s take home folder. If you are already signed up in the Bloomz app for the SUCCESS program, you do not need to sign up again.



    http://clubmom.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/backtoschool.gifContact Information

    Email: rlarke@cornwallschools.com   

    Phone: (845) 534-8009 ext. 4848


    Thank you for taking the time to read through all this information. Here’s to a wonderful school year!