• Phishing attempts are becoming more and more frequent specifically targeting HR and Payroll, and we must all be vigilant.

    Users should hover their cursor over hyperlinks and the email addresses in any emails to view the URL to ensure it’s actually related to the company or person reports to be from, and any suspicious requests should be forwarded to the IT Department.

    Most importantly: do not supply login credentials or personally identifying information in response to any email, and do not supply any student data or email lists.
    Use the Phishing Alert Hook to report attempts in Gmail:

    Reporting emails will help your organization stay safer. Because the potential phishing emails you report are sent for analysis and we can be aware of which phishing attacks are able to reach their employee inboxes. Once we are aware of possible vulnerabilities, they can better defend against them. You are an important part of the process of keeping our District safe from cybercriminals. Stop, Look, and Think!

    The link below provides excellent resources for staying safe online:
