General Information

  • The CCHS English Department is providing an engaging and powerful literary experience for all of our current 10th graders entitled “All Night in A Day.” This in-school field trip consists of the entire 10th grade class reading the Holocaust memoir, Night, by Elie Wiesel, in one day. The purpose of this experience is to have different teachers/staff /administrators read aloud for 5-10 minute blocks as students follow along with a book. Throughout the day in the auditorium, 10th grade will display projects depicting background information on topics like Elie Wiesel, Propaganda, Dr. Mengele and concentration camps, current human atrocities, heroes of the Holocaust, and U.S. involvement. During the day, the students will get a break for lunch. Bag lunches are required.
    The CCHS 10th grade English teachers are excited to give our students a chance to experience literature and a part of our world history in a unique way.
    Thank you for your support. 

Event Date

  • Thursday, February 15, 2023

    ***In the event of a SNOW DELAY OR SNOW DAY, our event will move to Friday, February 16th!***

Information for Parents


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