Welcome to the Cornwall Central High School Student Services Department

  • This site contains links for college information, standardized tests, and career information. Our students are divided alphabetically by last name and the counselor will follow the student through all four years of high school. Listed below you will find each of the counselor's grade assignments. Contact Information can be found to the right under resources.

    Please feel free to browse all of our resources given to you, we will be glad to respond to any additional questions.



    Cornwall Central High School 



    SCHOOL YEAR 2024-25



    Mrs. Oles

    Mrs. McDowell

    Mr. Rudman

    Mrs. Bergin

    Mrs. Clyde

    Gr 12 


    A – E

    F – La

    Le – Ri

    Ro – Sm

    New Gr. 12

    So – Z 

    Gr 11 


    A – E

    F – J

    K – O

    P – So

    St – Z

    Gr 10 


    A – Di

    Do – Jo

    Ju – O

    P – So

    St – Z

    Gr 9 


    A – Do

    Du – G

    H – Mc

    Me – Si

    Sk – Z